November 10, 2015

Corey and Brionna's Engagment

First things, first! I want to introduce to you all a new series that the hubby and I are starting next week!

So for all my brides and grooms to be (or married couples) you absolutely, positively want to stay tuned and check back next Tuesday, because it's something you'll need in order to make for a great marriage!

Much like people preparing for thanksgiving, or any other holiday for that matter, we thought we'd talk about "how to prepare for marriage."

Marriage is no joke guys, and you have to make sure you know what you're getting into!

We are going to get into things like
  1. How to communicate with your spouse (or soon to be spouse)
  2. How to budget and become debt free
  3. How to properly love you spouse.

So be on the look out and come back next Tuesday for Part of of the series "How to communicate with your Spouse"

But for now enjoy the reveal of Brionna and Corey's downtown and shopping themed engagement session!!

So here they are!

Corey + Brionna

(from all the excitement)
I simply canNOT...wait to capture their wedding, because it's going to be total fire! (for those of you who don't know what that means, it means fierce, amazing, completely, utterly, and fashionably...on point)

See you all next Tuesday!

November 4, 2015

Falling In Love This Fall Season (Part 3)

Happy Wednesday Everyone!

It's been a crazy couple of weeks. From a wedding, to my birthday, to my grandpa passing away. So it's been tough and I haven't had the chance to sit down, write, and post yesterday. But I'm here now!

I love and enjoy every opportunity I get, to capture and tell the story of love from each darling new couple I meet. They are all so unique and sometimes the stories are surprising, but always filled with love. So today, I thought we would wrap up our "Falling in Love in the Fall Season" series with our love story. (Read Part 1 and Part 2 of the series.)

It's a story of how a Trini (Uriah) and an American (me) from two different parts of the world, found each other and fell in love...

photo credit: Jessica Crews Photography

This is my side of the story...

We both ended up at Liberty University (LU). Uriah had other options, but circumstances along with a dream caused him to choose LU. Whereas for me, my only other option didn't tell me how much financial aid I would receive until after I made the decision to go to Liberty. Needless to say, it was definitely a God thing, that brought us both to the same place. Keep on reading and you'll have no choice but to agree with me.

So it's October 2009, our freshman year, and there we were, sitting on one of LU's transits. It was night, and we both were headed back to our dorms. Nearing my bus stop, we were the only two left and I really didn't want to talk to him, which is why I tried to sit as far away from him, without seeming rude. And what did he do?

He talked to me...

But he was nice...I just didn't understand a word he was saying. He introduced himself and we talked a little, and kept talking since his dorm was on the way to mine.

After our first encounter, for a while, our interactions were completely random. Even more to the point, we didn't have any classes together, he was on the soccer team, I was on a step team. He was a sports management major, I was graphic design. Our circle of friends were nowhere near the same, and neither were our schedules. Yet somehow, time and time again, we kept bumping into each other.

There was this one night a few professors had a joint extra credit, and guess who showed up? Uriah...As I saw him walking in my direction, I found myself quite smitten. So I asked him to sit next to me, which thankfully he did! I honestly can't tell you what the extra credit was about, but I do remember thinking about how fine this boy was...

After that night we started intentionally hanging out. And even though I just wanted to be friends because of everything I went through in my past, my feelings for him kept growing.

It wasn't until summer break of 2010, I took him to the airport. He was heading back home to Trinidad, and before he left to go to his gate he took my hand and we prayed together. That's when I knew...this man is for me.

We Skyped everyday he was gone. And on August 13, when he came back he asked me to officially be his girlfriend. And we've been together ever since. Growing more in more in love with one another as the years go by.

I remember before I went to college I wrote out everything I wanted in a man, he has every single characteristic that is on that list.

He is so sweet, honest, thoughtful, caring, and he actually listens to me. The list goes on, but the most important thing is that he is truly a man after God's own heart. He uplifts and encourages me to be the woman God created me to be. I could not ask for a better man. And I get to spend the rest of my life falling deeper and deeper in love with him.

Here is Uriah's Side...

My love for Pamela, my beautiful bride, was confirmed just a few years ago while we were still dating. It all started when I thought I made the biggest mistake in our relationship....

I kissed another girl...on the lips...

I was so angry with myself; infuriated and devastated because I allowed myself to give into temptation. I remember thinking, “how could I do such a thing when she’s been so faithful and loving towards me?” I broke her trust and I knew our relationship would never be the same again. I wished and wished that I could undo that kiss so I wouldn't have to break Pamela's heart. But it was too late…

Soon after it happened,  I found myself waking up from that really, extremely, horrible dream! You thought it actually happened, didn't you? Well so did I. It felt so real.

Needless to say, I was extremely happy that it wasn't! But the pain, regret, and sense of remorse all felt so real! And so it hit me, I am genuinely in love with Pamela. That dream made me realized three valuable truths.

One, I got to see a vivid picture of how much I really cared about Pamela and how important her feelings were to me.

Two, I learnt that I have a very special woman who deserves the best of me and whose love I never want to lose.

Three, and most importantly, what stood out to me was that even though, in the dream, she never found out (it didn't reach that far) I knew I wronged her and that I needed to repent.

I realized, through this dream, that I desired to be a faithful man of God in this relationship despite the ever present temptations of this world. Pamela is worth the delayed gratification. She is a beautiful and loving woman whom I adore, she is a princess in God’s eyes and she deserves all the kindness, compassion and love I can give. That's why I never second guessed my decision to marry her on May 4, 2013. I am so thankful to have such a beautiful wife who is also my best friend.

photo credit: Jessica Crews Photography

Enjoy a few more photos of us when we were dating in college :)

October 20, 2015

Falling in Love This Fall Season (Part 2)

Happy Tuesday Everyone!

A little something to make ya smile. Photo Credit: The hubby

Last week my handsome husband graciously wrote about how he found God's love through his trial.  

And so today, it's my turn! But first, in order for me to tell you guys my "falling in love with Jesus" story, you first need to know the back story. I must to warn you...I'm being very transparent in hopes to help heal and/or encourage anyone who is hurting. So please bare with me!

My story begins back in high school...

I was in a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad relationship that was sucking the life out of me. but at the same time, I was addicted to it. I kept finding excuse after excuse to stay, when something (which I now know was God) was telling me to leave. 

Unfortunately, I didn't listen right away. And before I managed to leave, I ended up having two abortions. As a result, my heart started turning cold and numb. I was broken, depressed, and occasionally had suicidal thoughts. I felt completely alone and to make matters worse, because of everything, my relationship with my dad was damaged (and I am definitely a daddy's girl).

Contrary to what people might think, I never really grew up with a solid knowledge of God...

In fact, there were times I questioned His existence. It wasn't until college that I learned all about His undying love for me. I ended up going to Liberty University, which was the last place I wanted to be but the only choice I had. It was there I found a group of people who, through God, changed my life forever. They prayed for me, they taught me about The Word, and helped me see God for who He is; igniting a love that I never knew before. A love that healed me from my past (it wasn't instantaneous, but healing of my heart and mind happened!)

It was from there I decided to fully give my life to Jesus. Allowing Him to guide me through this life and letting Him love me the way He says He does. And in turn I do my best to love Him back (though it's no where near the same) by reading and listening to His word, and being obedient to what He asks of me. 

It's THE most special and important relationship I could ever have.

He loves me more than I could ever comprehend!

He's so kind, honest, trustworthy, faithful, and His grace towards me is never ending—even during the times where I've made mistakes and forgotten about Him— And I have all of eternity to continue getting to know Him and having my love for Him grow! 

Just like any relationship, it's not always easy.

I've gone through many dry seasons where my relationship with God was stagnant, and I couldn't feel or hear him. However, the big difference is that God never goes away or gives up on me. He and His love stays exactly the same. I'm the one who stops listening, and stops paying attention. It really is an "it's me, not you" kind of thing, because it really is me.

Having a relationship with God is both simple and complex.

Because He is sooo big, it's impossible to grasp all that He is. But one thing's for sure, that there is no one like Him and falling in love with Him is the best decision I ever made. He's where true healing, love, peace and satisfaction lies.

So here I am, 6 years later...

with a wonderful husband and super sweet 7 month old son, who both bring joy to my heart. AND a completely mended relationship with my papa bear! 

I was hurt by my past, but through the hurt and pain I found a love that I never knew was possible. And I know you can too, but only if you let Jesus into your heart.

October 13, 2015

Falling in Love this Fall Season (Part 1)

As promised here is my fantastic wonderful husband here to share his love story about falling in love (again) with God. So with out further ado I introduce to you Uriah D. Bentick!

Gosh he is just so handsome!

I’ve heard it been said a number of times, I’ve sung it at Church, I’ve read it in the Bible over and over again. God loves you. But this time that truth registered much deeper than surface level; I received it in my heart rather than my mind. God loves me! I can’t necessarily put it into words, but I know early that morning He reminded me of His unfailing love at one my lowest moments in my career.

As a professional athlete, one of the most challenging times in life is when you suffer a serious injury that prevents you from practicing, traveling with the team and hardest of all, playing in competitive games.

Well, that was exactly the time God chose to reveal this truth to me like never before. My very first game with my new team, came to an abrupt halt, I was only on the field for about 12 minutes when I injured my left ankle. The next few days I could not even walk without limping, my ankle was swollen, I would miss the away game in Texas, I had to watch practice from the sideline and I  learnt that this type of sprain usually took around 6 weeks to fully heal (that may not seem very long, but for an athlete, any time spent away from playing the sport you love is too long, especially when making up for lost time by getting back in shape).

Hearing that caused me to spiral into a borderline depression, that affected not only myself but my marriage. But one day, in the midst of one of my “moods” God spoke to me, words that changed my life forever...
“You have to believe that I love you.”

For the first time in my life it clicked, and I began to truly know and experience God’s love for me with a sense of peace, hope and joy. God, the Creator of the universe LOVES ME. He loves me unconditionally, He loves me when I am consume with things of this world, He loves me when I make mistakes, His love for me is always present and real.

For this and many other reasons, I have decided to love God with all that I have; my heart, my soul, my mind and my strength.

We love because he first loved us -- 1 John 4:19

So this Fall season I dare you to intentionally fall in love with God with more than just your words. But in a truly, intimate way;

  1. Love Him with all your heart
  2. Let Him be the main focus of your life
  3. Continue to love your spouse or spouse to be as an extension of His unfailing and unconditional love.

October 6, 2015

Brittany + Jimmy (Engaged) + Announcements


Okay you guys I have some super exciting news to share with you all before we get to the awesometastic ('s a made up word) session I had with Brittany and Jimmy!

First things first, and this is sort of a mixture of sad/happy news....

I am only going to focus on weddings and engagements for now. I love all kinds of photography and I have some personal projects that aren't strictly wedding coming up. But as far as my clientele goes...they will only be weddings and engagement. I seriously need to focus and grow my business and this is the only way I can do that right now.

Secondly, I am pleased to announce that my amazingly sweet, handsome, and caring husband and I are teaming up! No...he won't be shooting with me (yet) BUT he will be joining me on my our blog! 

We've got themes and topics coming up that you seriously don't want to miss! 

With that being said, because it's officially fall we are going to talk about the subject of "fall"-ing in love for the month of October. We're going to talk about or personal stories and even hopefully feature a couple who has inspired us in more ways than one.

It's going to be great!

Now that, that's out of the way....

Let's get to the awesometastic engagement session I mentioned before!

 Brittany + Jimmy (Engaged)

These two made it so easy for me to capture the love they have for one another! Plus, Brittany's little sister Brooke, who tagged along, was an unexpected but fantastic assistant! Some of the images are inspired by her.

 I am so grateful they chose me as their photographer. 

Next is the wedding!  

And now...without further ado...I present to you...the lovely bride and groom to be...



September 28, 2015

Courtney + Kenitho (Engaged)

Courtney + Kenitho (Engaged)

You guuuyyysss.....My sister (not by blood) is getting married!! I am suuuper excited you just don't even know...PLUS she's allowing me to capture such a monumental moment in her life.

And about a couple weekends ago, we went to Belle Isle to take their engagement photos. I was really nervous because I had never been there before and it was my first engagement session! 

But God!

...helped me like He always does when I surrender to Him.

It definitely didn't turn out how I imagined. They ended up in a completely different park, and then there was some rock hopping with hopes of not falling in the water and ruining all my equipment. You know...small stuff...

But I had such a fun and amazing time and got some great shots! And I look forward to the wedding next month!

Oh and let me warn you...

They are a GORGEOUS family! And their outfits??...On point! So be prepared to be overwhelmed!

September 25, 2015

If You're a Creative You Need to Apart of This!

-Tuesdays Together -

Stylist Workshop

A few weeks ago I discovered this Facebook group called "The Rising Tide Society"(TRTS). It's an amazing group for small businesses, entrepenures, hobbyists, that are creatives like me! They even have subgroups all across the country and beyond called "Tuesdays Together" where we meet once a month on a Tuesday (which Tuesday depends on the location's group). 


The best thing about this group is that they promote community over competition. Where instead of us being afraid of others possibly steeling our clients or keeping our tricks of the trade a secret, we share our knowledge, uplift one another, and help each other grow in our businesses!

This month was my first time, and it was a stylist workshop. 

And I gotta be really wasn't at all I expected. Not that it was bad, it was great! I learned a lot about styling my photos for Instagram, which is something I've been (very) slowly getting into. I also enjoyed meeting new people and getting connections, especially since I was new to the Richmond area and had ZERO friends -- oh by the way we just moved back to Fredericksburg last week...I know, we move a lot!

I was just expecting it to be more fashioned geared since I have a few projects in mind and I need to get connected with some fashion designers. I also, need to connect with a stylist to help for with the overall design of the shoot.


I am so grateful for TRTS...I'm constantly on Facebook researching and learning from the many many talented creatives who are apart of the group. I'm really looking forward to the next meeting!

Here's me at the styling workshop, attempting to style this invitation!

And these are my attempts...

 I technically styled this too. Although it's really just liked a flower arrangement on a chair. But sometimes less is more!

A few shots of the workshop!

August 25, 2015

Give this a try, it just might uplift your day!

I hope everyone had a great weekend! We sure did! Our baby boy is officially 6 months (as of yesterday) and finally started crawling, and he's been sleeping a little better in the night. That means more sleep for me and the hubby! Woohoo!

But anywhoo...

I was contemplating what to write about when I came across a video clip from Joyce Meyer--I love her! She's so relatable.

She talks about doing a 1 year challenge of giving thanks. It started back in December of last year, BUT it's never too late to start giving thanks!

I have a nudging on my heart to participate in this challenge. So, starting today (tonight) I'm going to do it!

I think this will help me refocus my days (and attitude) on being grateful for what God has given me. I honestly believe this will make your day a bit more joyful.

Follow me on Instagram (@benpark.studios), to see each day what I'm thankful for!

I'd love for you all to join me in this challenge if haven't started it. And if you did start, but fell off for awhile, then here's your chance to start back up or start over again.

Don't forget to tag me in your photos so I can see what you guys are thankful for and use the hashtag #LetsShareTheJoy

Today, I am thankful for family who is super supportive and helps me when I need it. God knew what He was doing when He placed me with them!

photo credit: Jessica Crews Photography |
photo credit: Jessica Crews Photography |

August 18, 2015

It's Finally Happening!!

Hellooooo world,

Okay. So I am all kinds of just don't even know! Do you want to know why?? Well I'm glad you asked!

Yesterday was a big day for me. I'm talking Washington Monument kind of big!

Okay...I'm honestly over exaggerating but, it still was a great day! Last week, I FINALLY ordered some new camera equipment. And let me just say, it has been loooong overdue. But the day has finally come, and as of yesterday I am the proud and joy filled owner of the Nikon d750 (lenses and a new Macbook pro are being shipped as we speak!)

Check out my selfie skills! Except the top left one, the hubby took that.

For those of you who don't know much about cameras and electronics, this is a big deal! And I am so blessed to have an amazing family who is willing to invest in my business.

A couple weeks ago I wrote about being careful for nothing and going all in, with what God has placed on your heart (check it out here). Which was actually written, before I even ordered my new equipment. But I knew I had to, and I had to start putting in more work than I have ever put in before.

I'm done being careful/hesitant/afraid. I've taken the leap and I'm excited to see where God is taking me!

What has God placed on your heart to do? Whatever it is, create a game plan for it's completion, and...


August 11, 2015

Give Dad a Chance (Dad don't give up)

Hello Ladies and gents! Welcome back to....

Tidbit Tuesday

I honestly wasn't sure what I was going to write on here today. It's been a pretty busy weekend. The hubby was away, So Jeremiah and I went to go visit his grandparents. Of course they showered him with love. Playing with him, when he should be napping...but hey! That's what grandparents are for right??


It's the second Tuesday of the month so I think I'm going to dedicate this one to all mamas and papas out there.

Let me tell you about what happened today.

So our little Jeremiah had been fighting sleep, --  raise your hands if you know what that's like?-- he was extra goofy and cranky all at the same time. I know every child is different, but are there any other parents whose child screams with at the top of his lungs, with all their might, when they are super tired? Well, our son does. It looks as though he's having the time of his life but them immediately follows it with an angry grunt or cry. It's quite hilarious actually.

But back to the story. So he's been fighting sleep and nothing I did was helping, which normally I'm able to get him to sleep pretty easily. Not this time!

So after so much effort I tell my husband can you please try and get him to sleep, I have to do eat and get some work done -- because you, I was procrastinating a little bit. -- Now, my husband is 1 for 200 in getting Jeremiah to sleep. So of course you know there a little discouragement there. BUT because he's such an amazing husband, he agreed.

As I'm making me something to eat I'm hearing my little man cry and scream that high pitch scream just makes you want to take them and hold and kiss them, and say "mama's here, everything is alright now."

Ladies let me tell you took everything in me not to run upstairs and do just that. My heart was racing and I started to get hot (does this ever happen to anyone else?). And I dared not turn on the baby monitor. I wanted daddy to try and do this by himself.

Can you believe once I sat down and started to work, the screaming died down and Jeremiah fell asleep?? Daddy did it! He sent me a picture afterwards saying,

"Thanks to God! One of the best moments of my life." 

I say all this to say, mama...give dad a chance! He has to learn the same way you did. We didn't know what we were doing, but we figured it out. Don't go rushing and swooping baby out of daddy's arm just because they're crying. I remember many nights Jeremiah was screaming at the top of his lungs with me, but eventually I learned what calmed him down and got him to sleep.  And please no micromanaging! If daddy asks for advice, give it to him. Don't go telling him he needs to do this and that, or rock him like this while patting him like that, etc. etc. Give him a chance to figure it out.

Now I must admit, often times I have to literally cover my mouth to stop me from telling Uriah what to do, like a know it all.

And daddies, don't give up! You're not a bad dad. Babies cry. That's just what they do. And they do it with mama too, not just with you. Keep trying, and ask for advice and help if you need it.

Just don't give up!

I'd love to hear some stories where daddy had a victory with baby!

August 4, 2015

Whatever you this to be successful

Tid Bit Tuesday

Sorry for the late post ya'll we've been very busy, and my little man has started rolling over non stop and teething...and gassy (the painful, trapped gas kind) So needless to say I've had my hands full. He's 5 months ya'll! Time has been going by so quickly.

Now on to the subject at hand
I have a revolutionary concept that will just blow your mind. It's something that just messed me all up on the inside. I mean it really shifted something inside me -- Now let me warn you, this is suuperr deep and not everyone will understand or accept it --

Ready?? Here it is -

DON' careful.

Now hear me out, before you totally dismiss me!

Sunday I went to church and the Co-Pastor mentioned a scripture that lit my hear on fire. It was Philippians 4:6. And I tell you what, I could barely listen to the rest of the sermon after just the first 4 words from that scripture. All these thoughts started flooding my mind. Here's what it says:

There are other versions that say anxious and worry, but this was the first time I read it in the King James Version.

Be careful for nothing

How many times have our parents told us to be careful as a child, or for those of us with kids tell them to be careful so they don't get hurt? How about a loved one that is taking some sort of risk, we tell them to be careful, because we want them back in one piece? While all that precaution is nice, but we as Christians don't need to be careful when it comes to the things God has for us.

I have been dealing with some things on the inside of me lately and this came right on time. It's like God was telling me not to hesitate or hold back, but to go and go boldly. Yes we should choose to do things wisely, but I say if we're going to choose to do something (for me it's my business) give it our all. Don't be careful. Don't be afraid. Use the gift that God has given us and don't hold back!

So I want to encourage you (and myself) whatever God has laid on your heart to do stop waiting and making excuses as to why you can do it, and just do it.

DO IT NOW!...or tomorrow at least, but don't let more than 1 day pass!

If you are a follower of Christ, remember He is on your side and He will equip you with everything you need! Trust Him...He knows what He is doing.

Now, I don't need to be careful for anything anymore. I'm going to trust God that what He leads me to, He'll lead me through and to the finish line. It's not an overnight transformation, but it's definitely start. And through Christ I will finish the task!

I told you guys I nit-pick at stuff! What is it that you've been holding back on? 

June 2, 2015

You Can Have Peace with a Crazy and Chaotically Intense Life

Hello ladies and gents! And welcome to...

Tidbit Tuesday 

(unless I can think of a better name...) 

I know it has been a long... LONG time since my last post! I feel just awful about that. Here I am just squandering the talent and wisdom God has given me! Boy am I glad I serve such a forgiving God. But I still have to let Him do a lot of work on me. I'm striving for perfection here people...I'm not there yet! So bare with me!


There is A LOT of updating to do! So I'll have to do it bit by bit. For starters, My husband and I welcomed our first bundle of love in to the world on February 24, 2015. His name is Jeremiah Mathias Bentick. He is just so darling you don't even know! As you can see...or you can just do the math...He is 3 months old! Oh how time flies...

(Check out my one handed camera skills! haha)

Secondly, I have met a wonderful woman by the name of Treneka, who has motivated me to get back to blogging and doing what the Lord has called me to do. I am just so blessed and thankful for that precious woman, who is also a fantastic photographer, I am totally convinced that it was God's design for us to meet! 

Check out her work here on Facebook or on her blog you will not be disappointed!

Okay so! 

I'm going to keep this tidbit short since I'm writing suuuper late while my son is asleep. I know I know...I should be sleeping too BUT this is the only time I can get things done since my husband has been in Trinidad since December 2014 (he'll be back Saturday Lord willing!! *happy dance*). 

My life these past months have been pretty intense (I'll give a full update later), but I am so thankful that the Lord has allowed me to still enjoy it all, even through the rough not knowing where our source of income is going to come from next or not knowing where we're going to live.
"I will make peace flow to her like a river, and the wealth of nations like a flood." 
Isaiah 66:12  

Now I'm only focusing on the first part of this verse, because honestly I just couldn't get past it. I love to nit-pick at specific words or phrases in the bible. There is so much meaning behind even just one word. And this had me thinking about what a river is like and why God chose to compare peace to it. If you're like me, you envisioned a river being calm, peaceful, and undisturbed. But can be wild, loud and rough with either small or big rapids knocking anything and everything around.

So why a river??

I can obviously see how the analogy works for when rivers are calm, but the verse doesn't say peace like a calm river. Just "a river" period, which means it includes the times when rivers are intense with white rapids.

So now I'm thinking, maybe God is saying we can have peace while things are intense and looking all crazy. And I believe that is exactly what He's saying!

I while ago I read this devotional a friend sent me and a small portion of it really resonated with me.

"God's Word does not say we'll have peace like a pond...When God used the analogy of a river, He describes a peace that can be retained while life twists and turns and rolls over boulders. It means to have security and tranquility while meeting many bumps and unexpected turns on life's journey."

I don't know if you've ever seen white water rapids, but even though they're going crazy, there's still a peace and beauty to them.

I do also believe God wants us to know that like a river...He will give us peace that's always flowing. Have you ever seen a river that wasn't constantly moving?

I haven't...

Either way, there is beauty and peace to be had from the crazy times in our lives. If only we would truly let God in, then we could have so much peace and start enjoying the life and circumstances we are given.

Here's a few simple applications:

1) Read the bible. Specifically the places where it mentions God's power and His promises to everyone. If you're new to the faith just take it slow. There's so much to learn it'll take an entire lifetime to know it all, and even then you still won't know everything... So take your time and look in the concordance in the back to help you find what you're looking for. Or you can search specific subjects with the "youversion" bible app.

2) Replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts. Every time something negative pops in your head, immediately (out loud) say something that combats it. It could be God's goodness & power and/or the things you've been blessed with. There's no limit. It's not always easy, but you have to train your mind to give praise even when it's hard.

For example: God is in control, HIs thoughts and ways are better, you are alive, you had food to eat, etc.

3) Write them down...this is especially good for future reference, when times get tough again.

4) Repeat 1-3 daily.