October 13, 2015

Falling in Love this Fall Season (Part 1)

As promised here is my fantastic wonderful husband here to share his love story about falling in love (again) with God. So with out further ado I introduce to you Uriah D. Bentick!

Gosh he is just so handsome!

I’ve heard it been said a number of times, I’ve sung it at Church, I’ve read it in the Bible over and over again. God loves you. But this time that truth registered much deeper than surface level; I received it in my heart rather than my mind. God loves me! I can’t necessarily put it into words, but I know early that morning He reminded me of His unfailing love at one my lowest moments in my career.

As a professional athlete, one of the most challenging times in life is when you suffer a serious injury that prevents you from practicing, traveling with the team and hardest of all, playing in competitive games.

Well, that was exactly the time God chose to reveal this truth to me like never before. My very first game with my new team, came to an abrupt halt, I was only on the field for about 12 minutes when I injured my left ankle. The next few days I could not even walk without limping, my ankle was swollen, I would miss the away game in Texas, I had to watch practice from the sideline and I  learnt that this type of sprain usually took around 6 weeks to fully heal (that may not seem very long, but for an athlete, any time spent away from playing the sport you love is too long, especially when making up for lost time by getting back in shape).

Hearing that caused me to spiral into a borderline depression, that affected not only myself but my marriage. But one day, in the midst of one of my “moods” God spoke to me, words that changed my life forever...
“You have to believe that I love you.”

For the first time in my life it clicked, and I began to truly know and experience God’s love for me with a sense of peace, hope and joy. God, the Creator of the universe LOVES ME. He loves me unconditionally, He loves me when I am consume with things of this world, He loves me when I make mistakes, His love for me is always present and real.

For this and many other reasons, I have decided to love God with all that I have; my heart, my soul, my mind and my strength.

We love because he first loved us -- 1 John 4:19

So this Fall season I dare you to intentionally fall in love with God with more than just your words. But in a truly, intimate way;

  1. Love Him with all your heart
  2. Let Him be the main focus of your life
  3. Continue to love your spouse or spouse to be as an extension of His unfailing and unconditional love.

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