November 4, 2015

Falling In Love This Fall Season (Part 3)

Happy Wednesday Everyone!

It's been a crazy couple of weeks. From a wedding, to my birthday, to my grandpa passing away. So it's been tough and I haven't had the chance to sit down, write, and post yesterday. But I'm here now!

I love and enjoy every opportunity I get, to capture and tell the story of love from each darling new couple I meet. They are all so unique and sometimes the stories are surprising, but always filled with love. So today, I thought we would wrap up our "Falling in Love in the Fall Season" series with our love story. (Read Part 1 and Part 2 of the series.)

It's a story of how a Trini (Uriah) and an American (me) from two different parts of the world, found each other and fell in love...

photo credit: Jessica Crews Photography

This is my side of the story...

We both ended up at Liberty University (LU). Uriah had other options, but circumstances along with a dream caused him to choose LU. Whereas for me, my only other option didn't tell me how much financial aid I would receive until after I made the decision to go to Liberty. Needless to say, it was definitely a God thing, that brought us both to the same place. Keep on reading and you'll have no choice but to agree with me.

So it's October 2009, our freshman year, and there we were, sitting on one of LU's transits. It was night, and we both were headed back to our dorms. Nearing my bus stop, we were the only two left and I really didn't want to talk to him, which is why I tried to sit as far away from him, without seeming rude. And what did he do?

He talked to me...

But he was nice...I just didn't understand a word he was saying. He introduced himself and we talked a little, and kept talking since his dorm was on the way to mine.

After our first encounter, for a while, our interactions were completely random. Even more to the point, we didn't have any classes together, he was on the soccer team, I was on a step team. He was a sports management major, I was graphic design. Our circle of friends were nowhere near the same, and neither were our schedules. Yet somehow, time and time again, we kept bumping into each other.

There was this one night a few professors had a joint extra credit, and guess who showed up? Uriah...As I saw him walking in my direction, I found myself quite smitten. So I asked him to sit next to me, which thankfully he did! I honestly can't tell you what the extra credit was about, but I do remember thinking about how fine this boy was...

After that night we started intentionally hanging out. And even though I just wanted to be friends because of everything I went through in my past, my feelings for him kept growing.

It wasn't until summer break of 2010, I took him to the airport. He was heading back home to Trinidad, and before he left to go to his gate he took my hand and we prayed together. That's when I knew...this man is for me.

We Skyped everyday he was gone. And on August 13, when he came back he asked me to officially be his girlfriend. And we've been together ever since. Growing more in more in love with one another as the years go by.

I remember before I went to college I wrote out everything I wanted in a man, he has every single characteristic that is on that list.

He is so sweet, honest, thoughtful, caring, and he actually listens to me. The list goes on, but the most important thing is that he is truly a man after God's own heart. He uplifts and encourages me to be the woman God created me to be. I could not ask for a better man. And I get to spend the rest of my life falling deeper and deeper in love with him.

Here is Uriah's Side...

My love for Pamela, my beautiful bride, was confirmed just a few years ago while we were still dating. It all started when I thought I made the biggest mistake in our relationship....

I kissed another girl...on the lips...

I was so angry with myself; infuriated and devastated because I allowed myself to give into temptation. I remember thinking, “how could I do such a thing when she’s been so faithful and loving towards me?” I broke her trust and I knew our relationship would never be the same again. I wished and wished that I could undo that kiss so I wouldn't have to break Pamela's heart. But it was too late…

Soon after it happened,  I found myself waking up from that really, extremely, horrible dream! You thought it actually happened, didn't you? Well so did I. It felt so real.

Needless to say, I was extremely happy that it wasn't! But the pain, regret, and sense of remorse all felt so real! And so it hit me, I am genuinely in love with Pamela. That dream made me realized three valuable truths.

One, I got to see a vivid picture of how much I really cared about Pamela and how important her feelings were to me.

Two, I learnt that I have a very special woman who deserves the best of me and whose love I never want to lose.

Three, and most importantly, what stood out to me was that even though, in the dream, she never found out (it didn't reach that far) I knew I wronged her and that I needed to repent.

I realized, through this dream, that I desired to be a faithful man of God in this relationship despite the ever present temptations of this world. Pamela is worth the delayed gratification. She is a beautiful and loving woman whom I adore, she is a princess in God’s eyes and she deserves all the kindness, compassion and love I can give. That's why I never second guessed my decision to marry her on May 4, 2013. I am so thankful to have such a beautiful wife who is also my best friend.

photo credit: Jessica Crews Photography

Enjoy a few more photos of us when we were dating in college :)

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