August 25, 2015

Give this a try, it just might uplift your day!

I hope everyone had a great weekend! We sure did! Our baby boy is officially 6 months (as of yesterday) and finally started crawling, and he's been sleeping a little better in the night. That means more sleep for me and the hubby! Woohoo!

But anywhoo...

I was contemplating what to write about when I came across a video clip from Joyce Meyer--I love her! She's so relatable.

She talks about doing a 1 year challenge of giving thanks. It started back in December of last year, BUT it's never too late to start giving thanks!

I have a nudging on my heart to participate in this challenge. So, starting today (tonight) I'm going to do it!

I think this will help me refocus my days (and attitude) on being grateful for what God has given me. I honestly believe this will make your day a bit more joyful.

Follow me on Instagram (@benpark.studios), to see each day what I'm thankful for!

I'd love for you all to join me in this challenge if haven't started it. And if you did start, but fell off for awhile, then here's your chance to start back up or start over again.

Don't forget to tag me in your photos so I can see what you guys are thankful for and use the hashtag #LetsShareTheJoy

Today, I am thankful for family who is super supportive and helps me when I need it. God knew what He was doing when He placed me with them!

photo credit: Jessica Crews Photography |
photo credit: Jessica Crews Photography |

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