August 11, 2015

Give Dad a Chance (Dad don't give up)

Hello Ladies and gents! Welcome back to....

Tidbit Tuesday

I honestly wasn't sure what I was going to write on here today. It's been a pretty busy weekend. The hubby was away, So Jeremiah and I went to go visit his grandparents. Of course they showered him with love. Playing with him, when he should be napping...but hey! That's what grandparents are for right??


It's the second Tuesday of the month so I think I'm going to dedicate this one to all mamas and papas out there.

Let me tell you about what happened today.

So our little Jeremiah had been fighting sleep, --  raise your hands if you know what that's like?-- he was extra goofy and cranky all at the same time. I know every child is different, but are there any other parents whose child screams with at the top of his lungs, with all their might, when they are super tired? Well, our son does. It looks as though he's having the time of his life but them immediately follows it with an angry grunt or cry. It's quite hilarious actually.

But back to the story. So he's been fighting sleep and nothing I did was helping, which normally I'm able to get him to sleep pretty easily. Not this time!

So after so much effort I tell my husband can you please try and get him to sleep, I have to do eat and get some work done -- because you, I was procrastinating a little bit. -- Now, my husband is 1 for 200 in getting Jeremiah to sleep. So of course you know there a little discouragement there. BUT because he's such an amazing husband, he agreed.

As I'm making me something to eat I'm hearing my little man cry and scream that high pitch scream just makes you want to take them and hold and kiss them, and say "mama's here, everything is alright now."

Ladies let me tell you took everything in me not to run upstairs and do just that. My heart was racing and I started to get hot (does this ever happen to anyone else?). And I dared not turn on the baby monitor. I wanted daddy to try and do this by himself.

Can you believe once I sat down and started to work, the screaming died down and Jeremiah fell asleep?? Daddy did it! He sent me a picture afterwards saying,

"Thanks to God! One of the best moments of my life." 

I say all this to say, mama...give dad a chance! He has to learn the same way you did. We didn't know what we were doing, but we figured it out. Don't go rushing and swooping baby out of daddy's arm just because they're crying. I remember many nights Jeremiah was screaming at the top of his lungs with me, but eventually I learned what calmed him down and got him to sleep.  And please no micromanaging! If daddy asks for advice, give it to him. Don't go telling him he needs to do this and that, or rock him like this while patting him like that, etc. etc. Give him a chance to figure it out.

Now I must admit, often times I have to literally cover my mouth to stop me from telling Uriah what to do, like a know it all.

And daddies, don't give up! You're not a bad dad. Babies cry. That's just what they do. And they do it with mama too, not just with you. Keep trying, and ask for advice and help if you need it.

Just don't give up!

I'd love to hear some stories where daddy had a victory with baby!

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