April 28, 2014

Pick-Me-Up Mondays!

Happy Monday guys!

So I've got something for you all!

It's a brand new...

...tradition for this blog. (you probably thought it was some kind of prize. Well sorry to burst your bubble!)

Okay so the new tradition is called "Pick-Me-Up Mondays" (as if you couldn't tell from the title). It's a pretty simple concept, but here me out. If you're a normal person, which I'm sure you are, you probably dislike Mondays. You wish your weekend could have been just a bit longer. You could sleep-in, get more done that you couldn't do during the week, clean (maybe?), etc. Sleeping-in would definitely be on my list!

I wish I could help you and all of mankind by actually making Mondays a part of the weekend,

but I can't...

I can, however, give you a little pick-me-up (well at least I can try!). I may not be able to permanently cure those Monday blues, but I can make you laugh or smile to take your mind off of the day for a few minutes.

This video made me laugh so much! And unless I'm weird(which I'm not), you'll love it too. So enjoy!

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