May 2, 2014

3 Easy Tips to Kick Procrastination in the Face!

Confession time

My Name Is Pamela And I am WAS A Procrastinator
Okay guys it’s confession time again. Yes. I struggled with procrastination. And let me tell you something...that it is a hard habit to kick! And to add to that, I amwasam…was…a perfectionist when it comes to certain things, which is a double whammy (I’m still working on it). But not only did I take forever to start tasks, but when I (finally) did, I would take forever to FINISH them because I’m trying to perfect it. If that doesn’t kill a business, I don’t know what does. (I know you don't know this but I've already gone back several times and fixed super minute errors in this post that I bet you didn't even notice)

This is why, again, I am grateful for the bootcamp I’m doing. Next week is the final week, and I have gained so much knowledge and wisdom on how to not only organize my photography business, but even how to organize my life in general.

So, I have three quick tips, that I’ve learned from the bootcamp that I want to share with you today.

Act Right Away
This is a fairly simple task. Instead of putting it off until it right then! Especially if it won’t even take long to do...I know for me, the longer I wait to do something I will forget and then it won’t get done. It’s either that, or what was supposed to be a simple/short task now becomes a big/drawn out task. Things like doing the dishes, or organizing the files on my computer. If I do them right as they come, then I won’t have such a big mess that will take hours instead of minutes to clean up later. You see how that works? So I highly suggest that if you ever get that feeling of just waiting until tomorrow, for something that can be taken care of today, don't give in! Just do it right now and it'll be done!

Use Themes
This one is my favorite because you can apply it to just about anything and it makes things a little more enjoyable. For example, chores...we all love it when they're done, but hate to do the work. Well if you each chore a designate day, then by the end of the week all of your chores will be done! For example Laundry day, bathroom day, bedroom day, kitchen day, grocery day. You can do the same thing with your meals!

This works for business owners too! Market mondays, work it wednesdays for editing, photo shoot fridays (these days can be anything you need them to be. The bootcamp is just geared towards photographers)

All in all the work still has to be done, but it’s a little more structured and get’s your mind organized so you don’t get overwhelmed. Procrastination is at it’s all time high for me when I feel overwhelmed.

This last one really helps me with being super productive! If I’m not on a schedule, I can get stuck doing one thing all day (the perfectionist in me). So I’ve been scheduling EVERYTHING.

With scheduling you can get as detailed or vague as you want, but I know the more detailed I am the smoother my day goes. So I suggest having two types calendars-- a business calendar and a personal calendar-- and writing things down! Everything that can, should have a date and a time. So your schedule could include monthly to weekly, to even daily planning.

Here are some things you can add to your business calendar:
  • sales appointments 
  • order placements 
  • editing days
  • marketing
And here are some things you can add to your personal calendar:
  • meal planning
  • appointments
  • chores
  • vacations

Now I wish I could say that I’ve perfected all these, but I haven’t. I am a work-in-progress, but I am getting better! And the more and more I put these into practice the less overwhelmed and ultimately the less I procrastinate!

What are some other strategies that have helped you get things done? I’d love to hear some more ideas!

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