April 8, 2014

Why Photography?

Why Photography?

So the other day, I told you guys I was doing a BootCamp. It’s only been a week and I have learned so much already. The most important thing for me to have learned is my “why” for my photography. This is basically my voice or my mission statement. I’ve kind of been coasting for the past year and a half, just doing sessions here and there to earn some income (I’m so glad the hubby’s a pro soccer player where he’s guaranteed money once he signs a contract). However, I’ve never actually sat down and asked myself the question, why am I doing this? 

I’ve always known that I had a passion in my heart for photography; it’s fun for me and I like being around people. But what's my purpose...my mission in this crazy world of photography? I could do it just to do it and be all artsy or I could do it to make a difference in people’s lives. You know...give rather than receive? I don't only want to "receive" the satisfaction of doing photography. I want to ultimately bring glory to God, but I also want to make an impact on people’s live. My problem is, "how". How in the world do I glorify God and impact peoples’ lives through photography? It’s not like being a doctor or counselor, where you can physically see the impact. 

Photography is more like a memory keeper that people appreciate years and years later when they decide to look back on those pictures for whatever reason. And that’s just the point. Pictures are just about the only things we have to remember the good times, because lets face it, we never want to remember the dark times in life. We as humans only want to have and remember the best days and people in our lives. We want to remember joy not despair! We want to remember laughter not tears (unless it's from uncontrollable laughter!). Once those days and people are gone, the photos we took waaaayy back when, are the only things we have to remember them by. That’s what I want to give. That’s my "why". I do photography because I want to tell the story of peoples’ joy-filled and happy moments in life. Yes we all may experience some “not-so-good” times (some more than others, and some worse than others), and we may have been treated badly or we received something that was less than what we thought we deserved, but let’s learn to focus more on the good things in our lives. I honestly believe that life would be so much more enjoyable if we would intentionally focus on the positive in life, rather than the negative.

What’s your #1 happiest moment that you can remember? Write in the comments below. You might need to look back at some pictures to help jog your memory ;)

1 comment:

  1. I love this!!!!! I am glad you found your purpose, doesn't it feel great??? Just by reading this I can sense the maturity in you and the growth (even though I am not that familiar of where you used to be); I can still sense some sort of growth. Keep being amazing girl!!

    Okay so my happiest moment would be Thanksgivings at my grandmothers house when I was a child. I don't need a photo to remember those event though I wish I had one. But those times brings tears to my eyes when thinking about them because of the amount of joy and carelessness I had about everything and just enjoyed my family. Its only a memory because they are no longer like that anymore but I can still look back at them and smile/cry lol.
