August 18, 2015

It's Finally Happening!!

Hellooooo world,

Okay. So I am all kinds of just don't even know! Do you want to know why?? Well I'm glad you asked!

Yesterday was a big day for me. I'm talking Washington Monument kind of big!

Okay...I'm honestly over exaggerating but, it still was a great day! Last week, I FINALLY ordered some new camera equipment. And let me just say, it has been loooong overdue. But the day has finally come, and as of yesterday I am the proud and joy filled owner of the Nikon d750 (lenses and a new Macbook pro are being shipped as we speak!)

Check out my selfie skills! Except the top left one, the hubby took that.

For those of you who don't know much about cameras and electronics, this is a big deal! And I am so blessed to have an amazing family who is willing to invest in my business.

A couple weeks ago I wrote about being careful for nothing and going all in, with what God has placed on your heart (check it out here). Which was actually written, before I even ordered my new equipment. But I knew I had to, and I had to start putting in more work than I have ever put in before.

I'm done being careful/hesitant/afraid. I've taken the leap and I'm excited to see where God is taking me!

What has God placed on your heart to do? Whatever it is, create a game plan for it's completion, and...


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