Joy, noun
The passion or emotion excited by the acquisition or expectation of good; that excitement of pleasurable feelings which is caused by success, good fortune, the gratification of desire or some good possessed, or by a rational prospect of possessing what we love or desire; gladness; exultation; exhilaration of spirits.

I like to consider myself as a positive and joyful person. In fact all throughout my life, I've been the go to person for my friends when they're feeling down. But there was a point in my life when I was filled with depression, hurt and sadness. And It wasn't until I went to college when I finally found a way to be joyful in EVERY situation.
There a few steps to having more joy in your life. Each one may take some time fully accomplish. It all depends on your heart, and mindset. So for right now, I’m only going to cover Step 1. But first, I want to ask you a few questions...
There a few steps to having more joy in your life. Each one may take some time fully accomplish. It all depends on your heart, and mindset. So for right now, I’m only going to cover Step 1. But first, I want to ask you a few questions...
- How much time do you spend focusing on your circumstances?
- How much time do you spend focusing on people and their opinions/mistakes?
- How much time do you spend focusing on your job, money, education, or other things?
To help, these questions can be answered in the following way:
- All throughout the day
- Often
- Every once in awhile
- Never
Go ahead. Take a minute or two, and answer those question’s honestly. I’ll be here when you finish....
I came across a quote by Dale Carnegie the other day, and this is what it says (I substituted a few words to fit the theme)
“It isn't what you have, or who you are, or where you are, or what you are doing that gives you joy…It’s what you focus on.”
It’s all in what you focus on and the perspective you have on things. If what you choose to think about, and dwell on, is how good (or bad) your circumstances are, or how much money you have (or don’t have), then your joy, and even your peace, will be shaky at best. There’s no stability in people, things, or money, because they can be here today, but gone tomorrow. And then where does that leave you? What we all really want in life, is joy that will NEVER go away.
I don’t know if any of you watch HGTV, but I love it! It is honestly, one of my favorite channels to watch. Recently, they awarded this woman the HGTV dream house, along with a new car, and a cash prize. Now don't laugh at me, but I entered in that sweepstakes too. Everyday, twice a day and I was convinced that God was going to give me this house.
Let me tell you why…
Since last year, before I knew about the dream house, Uriah and I have been praying for an actually home of our own. One that is big enough to host lots of family members for holidays; sort of like a vacation home. We'll still be traveling because of his career, but for the off season months, we’d like to have a place to stay (instead of lugging our stuff back to my parents house once his contract is up). But mostly, we want to bless others with this house the same way we’ve been blessed by others.
So here's the story.
We've been praying about a home for a while, and randomly one day I came across the HGTV dream house on the Internet. I started reading about it, and it had almost everything we had been praying for in a home; the space, the kitchen, the outdoors area, etc. So I got it in my mind that this is what God wanted for us! Even the car they were giving away was the one that I’ve been wanting since High School. With all those variables in mind…I prayed, I fasted, I had scriptures lined up, and I constantly gave myself a pep talk. I was so excited and focused on that dream home. I just knew I was going to get it…
BUUUT…I didn’t.
I was disappointed and it actually hurt me, at first, to see that woman receive what was supposed to be mine!
Do you see what happened there? My joy was only temporary because I was so focused on a temporary thing. Without realizing it I started to allow that house, the very thing I wanted God to bless me with, to be my main source of joy. It started to become the one thing, each day, I had to look forward too. I was even borderline, obsessed with it. And let me tell you something guys...that is a dangerous place to be. When you want a thing/person more than you want God you put yourself at risk of losing the very thing you were focusing on waaayy too much.
It’s not that Uriah and I won’t get the house we’ve been praying for, because I honestly believe that God will bless us with it, whenever He decides to. It’s just the fact that I shifted my focus, my hope, and my joy from God (which is where they belong), and moved them towards receiving the HGTV Dream Home.
Now just to be clear…
There is nothing wrong with getting excited and enjoying the things/people God blesses us with. The problem lies with making them your only source of joy. God is constant, He will never change, and He will never be an unstable source of joy. Focusing on Him is THE best and guaranteed way to having more consistent and unwavering joy in your life.
So here’s my last question for you. How much time do you spend focusing on God?
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