"Negativity only sees uncertainty and hardships; Positivity only sees opportunity and blessings."
-Pamela B.
Last time, in part 1 of this series, I shared how focus can play of a big role in having more joy in your life. Today, I'm going to talk about perspective. Which is to me one of the main reasons why even the smallest of things can suck the joy of our days. The word "perspective" has two meanings, but the one I'm going for is, a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something.
Here are two types of situations in my life where perspective was everything.
Situation 1:
When we were living in Wilmington there came a point in time where we had to find another place to live or else we'd be living in our car. The soccer (football) team my husband played for provided housing, but once the season ended we had to move out. The only problem was that we had no place to go. On top of that, it was hard finding an apartment because we didn't actually know when the season would officially end. It all depended on if they made it to the playoffs or not. But mostly we didn't want to sign a lease anywhere because we didn't know how much longer we were going to live in Wilmington. There were just too many unknown variables for us to decide on anything.
Now any normal human being would have been freaking out not knowing where they were going to live, or how long these uncertain times would last. They probably would freak out knowing they will never have any answers until they randomly show up one day. Even some of our friends told us how crazy, worried they would be if they were in our shoes.
Situation 2:
Not too long ago I was at a point in my life where I felt like I was drowning. Everybody around me was working hard to pursue their dreams and looking pretty successful. And I have to admit, I just really wanted to throw a pity party. I was living with my (hard working) parents when my husband was hard at work pursing his dream and looking for a place for us to live. Meanwhile, I was watching Netflix everyday, I hardly had any clients and therefore thought I had nothing to do with my life. And let's not forget to mention I barely went out of the house because most of my friends had moved away or were still in college.
I felt like a huge bum with no job and no sense of purpose or reason...
Can you just feel the dark cloud of negativity??
And I honestly could have kept that horrible perspective of my life and I did for a while.
BUT in reality....
- I'm a newly wed
- A lot of change happened in a short amount of time causing me to put my career on hold
- I was only in business for 3 months before all the change happened
- Most businesses don't take off until well after the second year
- I actually have things I could be doing, that will help me gain clients
- Not having as many clients helps me get my business plan organized
- Not having as many clients helps me to create concrete business procedures
- If I was too busy I would still be doing things randomly and unorganized
- If I was too busy I wouldn't have as much time to spend with my husband
Situations might not change, but our perspectives can!
All that stuff that was going on in my life didn't change right away...I'm still in, what I like to call "client limbo" but I now have this unexplainable, joy and peace in my heart. Despite my circumstances I'm still laughing, smiling, and enjoying my days. And it's all because of my perspective.
I'm normally the type of person who looks on the bright side of things, with an occasional negative view. But one perspective God always brings me back to is, "it's just another way for Him to get glory". It's just Him making or allowing things to look soooo crazy and then at the right moment, show off with all His power, wisdom, and goodness. It's quite exciting actually, because you never know what He's going to choose to do, but you know it's gonna be good so you don't have to worry.
"And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose."
-Romans 8:28
Ever since I got a real understanding of this verse...I never let it go.
I just can't help but see everything as good (even if it looks bad at the moment)
Because God called me and I love Him, He will always take the good stuff and the"not so good stuff" and make them both work out to benefit me in the end. And the messier, crazier, and more chaotic it looks, the more glory He'll receive. Plus I'll have more stories I can tell to shock people....which in turn gives God all the glory.
Ultimately the way you look at your life and circumstances, whether positive or negative, is completely up to you. You have to make that choice.
What do you find yourself doing more?