September 5, 2016

News News News...Past BenPark Studios Couples This Affects You!

Okay guys! I'm on vacation right now with the hubs. So I'm going to keep this super short and simple!

For the past 6 months I have been putting in work! I'm going through a major, MAJOR re-brand.

New website, new name, new business model, oh my! 

There are so many great things I want to give my couples. I want to give them an experience they will never forget!

Now my past brides and grooms ...

unfortunately this means you will not be able to access your images for prints or high-resolution digital collection with a print release anymore! However, if you still want them, give me a call and we can work something out! My number hasn't changed but my website is no longer available.

Okay guys I need to get back to enjoying my vacation/make up honeymoon!

But one more thing...My relaunch won't take place until Mid-January, so be on the lookout for it!

I've posted these images on Facebook already but gosh I love them soooo much! Here's another recap from the fiesta styled shoot I was able to be apart of!

August 4, 2016

Cory & Brionna Married!

Corey & Brionna Married!

Can I just say, Corey and Brionna's wedding was most certainly #FasionablyFields! Every detail was well thought out! 

And please don't get me started on that bouquet! The most beautiful and sentimental piece I have ever seen! Broaches and pendants perfectly placed to commemorate the memory of her mother and grandmother. And what better place than to have them close to her heart as she walked down that aisle. 

Take a look at their wedding highlights! 

February 15, 2016

You shouldn't get married if you don't know this...

Hey guys! happened and then BOOM!

I stopped posting and I had to postpone my preparation for marriage series.


I wanted to get back in the swing of things. 

So let's get straight to the point shall we? 

You clicked the link because you wanted to know if you should get married right? Or maybe you clicked because you're single and wanted to know this information for future reference. Whatever the case may be this is something you really want to know in order to be ready for marriage.

Are you ready for this?? It's so profound...

Know who you are and your purpose, and be content and love who you were created to be.

In celebration of Valentine's day, I did a semi-styled shoot with my friend Treneka who in my opinion has truly figured this out. She realizes how much God loves her, and she go into each day with that realization in mind. She's an amazing photographer, friend, and all around person. She always seems to have a smile to her face (even after her car caught on fire!) I absolutely love her! She encourages me every time we get together and this is why I chose to do this shoot with her. 

She is single, happy, loves herself because she is well loved by Jesus. 

Here are some of the images we took

How do you get to the point of knowing yourself?

Well for some people it takes a while.

But I know for me, questioning the purpose of life in general led me to God and getting to know Him...and I mean really know him. Who He is, His heart for me, his plan for me, and His thoughts towards me. Learning those things ultimately caused me to want to live out my life for Him because of His love for me. It's a peace and a joy that I'm still learning and trying to grasp everyday.

So far, I know that I'm a photographer and that I am meant to use my talent to bring glory to God and lead others to Him. And day by day, the more I read His word and listen to Him, I find new ways I can accomplish those goals.

I hope this helps, even just a little, and that you guys enjoyed your Valentine's day.

I know I did because I got to spend it with my two men. God Bless!